piconjo so youre dead...again, and for real
truth is his flash always gave me the impression he was lazy to do it better and stuff even if it was funny, and almost nobody liked the twat, and the frogs joke got old and stuff, im sorry for the death (or imaginary death) of your friend(or imaginary friend) but hey he WAS 69 he wasnt goin to live long either.
furthermore i think he liked the frog and never was corresponded or sumtin, maybe cuz of age differences, but damn how dare u die on me piconjo just after i saw the piconjo jam 21 that was great work and i would have liked to see joo do sumtin but waht do joo care ure dead now we will never know whom of the 2 pwnz more. and i know u love everybody even the frog so dont tell me what we already know dr choc.
as for the flash it wasnt too shabby liked teh drawins thou ... peace mon